New shortcut feature to get you to the sites you visit most Got a ton of passwords? Keep them safe on Firefox on Android Check out the new Firefox Focus and try it for life’s “get in and get out” moments. Plus, we added a global counter that shows you all the trackers blocked for you. And with privacy in mind you will see the privacy Tracking Protection Shield icon which is accessible from the search bar so you can quickly turn the individual trackers on or off when you click the shield icon. We added a shortcut feature so that users can get to the sites they visit the most. We added a fresh new look with new colors, a new logo and a dark theme. So, when it came to refreshing Firefox Focus we wanted to offer a simple, privacy by default companion app, allowing users to quickly complete searches without distraction and worry of being tracked or bombarded with advertisements. Since its launch, Firefox Focus has been a favorite app with its minimal design, streamlined features and for those times when you want to do a super quick search without the distractions. This Cybersecurity Awareness month, you can manage your passwords and take them wherever you go whenever you use your Firefox on Android mobile app. For our Firefox Focus mobile users, we have a fresh redesign plus new features including shortcuts to get you faster to the things you want to get to. This month, we continue to deliver on that mission with new features in our Firefox on mobile products. We were on a mission to save you time and streamline your everyday use of the browser. We took a giant step in that direction earlier this year when we shared a new Firefox experience. One of our promises this year was to deliver ways that can help you navigate the web easily and get you quickly where you need to go.